Training Solutions


  • The Program is designed considering management expectation and based analysis.
  • Participant interaction happens through the questionnaire or telephonic conversation wherever required.


  • As our programs are curative, they are customized as per the need, culture, organization’s preferences and resources as well as time available.


  • The program is delivered through innovative business simulation exercises, role plays, case studies, videos, group discussions, activities, etc. This way we involve all the participants actively and willingly in the program.


  • A charter is made at the end of the program where all employees collectively decide which points should be implemented on a continuous and consistent basis. And we do follow up considering same.
Performance & Accountability

The Program emphasizes on importance of results, not just efforts. The Program gives a road map to an individual so that they become strong performers. The activity-based program improves the willingness of participants & inspires them to become accountable.

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

This is an intensive, application-oriented learning experience that focuses on the fundamentals of great leadership. It’s a unique, new approach to management development that helps your management team move from getting good results to attaining great and enduring results.

Art Of Negotiation

Negotiation can smooth relations. It can save you time, money, aggravation and face or gain you a positive advantage. But there is a catch (isn’t there always?). Negotiation is a complex process. It involves learning some skills and some practice. This program helps people understand the process of negotiation and improve their negotiation skill.

Maximizing Success By Developing Subordinates

Good managers attract candidates, drive performance, engagement and retention, and play a key role in maximizing employees’ contribution to the firm. Poor managers, by contrast, are a drag on all of the above. They cost your firm a lot of money in turnover costs and missed opportunities for employee contribution, and they do more damage than you realize.

Execution Focus

Execution focus is the ability to set challenging objectives and take complete ownership of goals to drive results. It is the ability to achieve expected results through the successful and timely completion of activities as per defined parameters and working with commitment in the pursuit of organizational aims.

Role Effectiveness

This program is uniquely designed to prepare potential employees for their new challenges and responsibilities. Participants will discover the heart, soul and mind of their role in this highly interactive program.

Lateral Thinking

For growth seekers, Lateral thinking is the answer. The absence of creative thinking is one of the top reasons why people don’t grow. Studies found that 70% of senior executives identified “creativity” as one of the top 3 strategic drivers for organizations. Lateral thinking skills are essential to alter you and the business for phenomenal growth.

Continuous & Continual Improvement

Continuous improvement is the discipline of identifying and implementing value-added enhancements to services, processes, or the organization. Organizations that effectively practice continuous improvement are more likely to detect evolving needs and adjust course.

Maximizing Your Impact On Others

Interpersonal skills are not just important in the workplace, our personal and social lives can also benefit from better interpersonal skills. People with good interpersonal skills are usually perceived as optimistic, calm, confident and charismatic – qualities that are often endearing or appealing to others. This program will improve your awareness of how you interact with others and allow you to practice new tactics and techniques so that you improve interpersonal skills.

Complete Customer Focus

This is the idea that everything that is done is driven by a concern to meet our customer’s needs, whether those customers are internal or external. It means responding promptly to customers to ensure their satisfaction. This program helps to move from a willingness to respond to customer needs and a helpful and supportive attitude to extracting competitive advantage and leveraging organizational objectives through customer satisfaction.

Effective Supervisory Skills

Effective supervisory skill is essential for the delivery of high-quality service. Supervisory failures are the leading causes of conflicts and low productivity. In this program, participants gain an in-depth understanding of important leadership and supervision concepts, and are equipped with the skills to be firm, fair and effective supervisors.

Managing Up – Working Well With Your Manager Supervisor

How well do you work with your supervisor Boss? Gain insight into developing a mutually rewarding relationship, with skills for communicating and negotiating with your manager. Includes tips on presenting problems or opportunities to your supervisor and accepting responsibility for your proposed actions.

Change Management Program

Effective leaders are those who are visionary and skillful learners, as well as strong and competent partners in facilitating and sustaining reform. Our program helps participants learn and become change agents. The participants can act as catalysts during any change process by practicing the tools they learn from the program.

Emotional Intelligence In Action

A practical program to increase awareness of the key emotional competencies that promote individual effectiveness. Our program will review the core components of emotional intelligence that drive successful self-management and optimize interactions with others. Participants will learn how to harness emotions intelligently and guide their thoughts and actions more effectively.

Corporate Etiquette Program

Good manners are the key to opening doors of opportunity. We must serve our internal and external customers well in order to create and sustain long-lasting relationships. This program focuses on facilitating this kind of working environment. Obtaining good manners and proper etiquette empowers your staff with personal power and confidence. With your entire staff working together politely and well-mannered, those you serve will be loyal customers.

Communication Skill Program

Good communication leads to warm relationships, cooperation, and feelings of worth. Poor communication leads to frustration and conflicts. So learning to be a good communicator is a good investment. Making your communication work workshop is an investment. The program helps participants improve listening and questioning skills and gives Models of Communication for Giving and Receiving Ideas, Feedback, and Getting Information.

Personal Effectiveness Program

Personal effectiveness means making the most of all personal resources at our disposal – our personal talents, energy, and time relative to what’s most important to us. People who require relatively high levels of personal effectiveness can include anyone who interacts frequently with other people, whether that is in a social or a working environment. The benefits of this program range from simply feeling better about oneself, to attracting a greater following, to greater personal impact upon others, to improved productivity, to establishing higher credibility and lots more.

Work Ethics Program

Work ethics program is designed to promote positive work behaviors. The program provides a benchmark for self-evaluation and helps participants establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities.

Problem Solving & Decision Making Program

In the current business context, efficient and creative decision making is crucial for managers as well as high potential employees to remain competitive. This program is designed to offer a comprehensive overview of all aspects of Problem Solving & Decision Making by proposing a highly interactive learning environment with relevant activities to reinforce the various topics covered.

Presentation Skills Program

In daily business life, technical skills are not sufficient to be successful. You need to be able to present your ideas clearly and persuasively with the confidence of a leader and a role model. Our Presentation Skills Program is specifically designed to encourage participants to maintain high levels of productivity, efficiency, and assertiveness while participating, conducting, and organizing professional meetings and presentations.

Ownership Mindset

This program helps employees to learn and transform their mindset from that of an employee to that of a job/process owner by exposing them to these practices. This program is not a teaching program but a conditioning program. A sincere attempt will be made to condition the behavior of employees rather than teaching skills.

Improving Managerial Effectiveness

This program is uniquely designed to prepare potential managers for their new challenges and responsibilities. Participants will discover the heart, soul, and mind of a true manager in this highly interactive program. They will learn what people expect from and respect in managers and at the same time learn how to develop a unique style for maximum impact.

Creative Thinking

Creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing, but the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. This program will help to develop some creative ideas that are astonishing and brilliant, while other ideas are simple & normal.

Beating Stress

Real stress is unrelieved anxiety that persists over a long period of time. Stress can weaken you physically and impair your ability to think. You will get an idea about stress beaters or how to conquer stress.